Agent Terrell Morrison

Vigil Character Index Card Agent Terrell Morrison


Bachelor of Art

Master’s Degree
Criminal Justice,
University of Maryland.

James Rowley
Secret Service Training Center.


A man of faith and conviction, Agent Morrison has had a sterling record with the Secret Service. He worked his way up to become one of the top counterfeiting specialists in the country. He can tell a fake dollar bill from a mile away. Morrison has also served for 7 years on the Presidential detail, putting his life on the line to protect America’s commander-in-chief. He gained his powers from an accident at a bioengineering research facility while trying to shield a diplomat from an assassination attempt. His self-sacrificing nature can sometimes be a hindrance. Always one to speak his mind, Morrison always makes sure to keep the Vigil team on the straight and narrow.


Agent Morrison’s powers work by principle of transmutation—changing one element to another. He can alter entire molecular structure into anything he has come or does come into physical contact with.

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